Remove a User Group from Users

With the User Changer Extension you can remove User Groups from your Users after a specified time.


User Changer Actions

You can add now actions, which are executed automatically from the cronjob.
(Components → User Changer → Actions)

en user changer actions


In the actions view of the Joomla! Component you can find all actions and also when they will be executed!


Add a new User Group to a User

You need to create and connect your Joomla! User Group and Access Level before you can add new Actions in User Changer!

Click in the actions view on New to add a new action!

  • en user changer action remove groupName
    Just give an actions name.

  • Action
    Choose the Action "Remove User Group"!
    Just write a message if you need more actions!

  • Source User Group
    Select the User Group, where your User is at first to start the Action.

  • Value (in days)
    At least, insert a value in days, when the User Group should be removed.
    The function based on the Register Date!


Check proper function

If you want to check correct function, just add a new User with the Source User Group.

You have already seen how to simulate the cronjob on settings site!



Currently the Users "Register Date" haven´t exceeded the actions value so now action should be executed:

en user changer settings cronjob result


Please change the "Register Date" to an older date which is outside the actions value and execute the URL again:
(You cannot modify at the moment this value in the Joomla! Backend!
You can choose an older User or you modify the register date directly in the registerDate column of the #__users Table inside the database!
But have a look for the right syntax!)

en user changer action remove group test


Now the User should be removed from the User Group. your social media marketing partner

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