Extension Creator Changelog
- Version 2.9.10
fixed invalid token error on package state change
ordering in packages view extended
Joomla 3.9.24 compatibility - Version 2.9.9
allow HTML tags in short and general notes fields
optimized Joomla Coding Style & Namespaces - Version 2.9.8
prepared Medialekt Update Plugin for Joomla 4
fixed reset of additional languages
added further missing language strings - Version 2.9.7
added un-/publish functions in Packages
added missing translation strings
Joomla 3.9.23 compatibility - Version 2.9.6
general optimizations & Joomla 3.9.23 compatibility - Version 2.9.5
translation buttons modified
allow only 1 review state per file
general optimizations - Version 2.9.4
last update date in package view added
general optimizations - Version 2.9.3
general optimizations - Version 2.9.2
optimized duplicate lines-check & summary output
general modifications - Version 2.9.1
open all empty language strings with one click
translate all open language strings with one click
new review state to mark finished & reviewed translation files
rewriting of <br />, <strong>, <ul>/<li>,<div> HTML Tags from the Google response
better detection of double lines & possible syntax errors - Version 2.8.0
Batch translation function
automatic replacement from " to ' in the Google API response
improved intelligence when searching for the correct language strings when the auxiliary file is loaded
preselection of possible additional language files based on selected main language file
language package can only contain one additional language
incomplete Google answers for longer translation texts revised
duplicate input fields for empty language strings corrected
error in the creation of the language packages optimized
error if no languages are selected fixed - Version 2.7.6
Package state in overview incl. update marker option
not working category filter removed from submenu - Version 2.7.5
category filter directly below submenu - Version 2.7.4
MS-Release deployment of the ZIP files
single client Components with corresponding subfolder
file lock to execute only 1x upload and/or deployment
confirmation on file actions
missing Changelog HTML on Package creation fixed
general optimizations - Version 2.6.2
manage the language files
detecting the completeness of related language files
intelligent recognition of line breaks
recognition of obsolete spellings like "_QQ_"
selectable location of the language files (Joomla-language- / Extension-folder)
complete refactoring of the language file determination as well as extension creation
Dashboard Quicklinks to the project/download
general optimizations - Version 2.5.0
read & update extension xml directly in backend - Version 2.4.0
additional Plugins can be added to Plugins like in Components - Version 2.3.0
New Dashboard module - newest ZIP files - Version 2.2.0
Dashboard & allgemeine Optimierungen - Version 2.1.1
fixed Download-Button if Joomla! sources are stored in a subfolder - Version 2.1.0
Plugins can be added to Modules like in Components
general Optimizations - Version 1.9.0
Component Packages now also with Admin-/Site-Modules inside possible
error on creating Packages with PHP 7.1 fixed
JEM Update functionality fixed - Version 1.8.0
JEM Update functionality
Exclude functions also for other extensions
handling with addons-whitespaces optimized
"call to undefined method on duplicate()" error fixed
Language files can now also be created
optimized installation process - Version 1.7.0
package view now sortable
new FTP Upload - Version 1.6.1
Packages with Categories possible
new Dashboard instead of blue Footer
Help Buttons & Redirects to the documentation sites - Version 1.5.0
manage site- and admin-templates
css optimizations - Version 1.4.0
exclude files
file ordering fixed
PHP warning on new packages without files fixed
error message when no component frontend exists fixed - Version 1.3.0
Joomla! 3 optimizations - Version 1.2.0
component types selectable (single contains only component files, multi contains also f.e. one or more plugins)
moduletype select field optimized
language files updated - Version 1.0.0
manage site- and admin-modules - Version 0.8.0
manage own projects (components & plugins)
create installable Joomla! ZIP files